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Market research Russian eCommerce market 2014. Annual report

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Key Results
- The Russian e-commerce market in 2014 accounts RUB 560 billion. Additionally Russian cross-border e-commerce segment shows another RUB 85 billion. Summing up, Russians spent RUB 645 billion purchasing material goods in online stores in 2014.
- Women are the most active shoppers, so there is nothing surprising about the fact that they form the majority of online shoppers as well. 29% of women and only 23% of men (among Russians between the ages of 18 and 64) made at least one purchase at an internet store (including foreign purchases) in 2014. As a percentage of internet users, penetration of e-commerce is 38% among women and 30% among men. Women take a 55% share of all online shoppers in Russia.
- The biggest goods category by number of online shoppers is clothing for adults: 8 million people bought clothes online in 2014. Altogether, clothing, shoes and accessories (without counting children’s goods) were bought by 8.6 million people in 2014.
- Cross-border shopping is the fastest-growing segment of the Russian e-commerce market. In 2014, online shoppers placed 47 million orders at foreign internet stores, and received 75 million parcels from abroad (one order on Aliexpress or eBay may contain several items from different merchants, and then they will be sent in separate packages). This is almost three times more than number of packages sent in 2013.
- Low prices are the main driver of online shopping. This is precisely how almost half of all respondents answered on the motives for their choice of online for their most recent purchase (checking more than one answer was permitted). A low price was indicated as the criteria for the selection of a shopping location one and a half times more frequently than any other answer.
- Payment for 66% of all Russian domestic orders is made in cash on delivery. Another 8% are paid for by card on delivery. So, almost three quarters of all orders (74%) are paid for on delivery.
- Two out of five orders in November, 2014 were delivered by Russian Post. All told, almost 60% of online shoppers received at least one order via Russian Post in 2014. Another quarter of orders in November were delivered by couriers (the store’s own couriers, or a shipping company’s couriers). The share of shoppers who were brought at least one purchase by a courier service in 2014 comes to 41%.
- Half of online shoppers used the internet via smartphone at least once over the past year, and more than 30%, via tablet. The total share of mobile users with mobile access (and using it) from a telephone or a smartphone/tablet comes to 59%. In other words, the majority of tablet users also go online with the help of a smartphone.