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Market research Auto Parts Online Market

Data Insight presents the results of «Auto Parts Online Market» research. The report examines auto parts online market, i.e. online retailers selling auto and moto parts, tyres and wheels, car electronics, auto accessories and tuning details.
The main results
- In 2019, 14,4 million orders were issued worth 67,9 billion rubles.
- The average check amounted to 4 720 rubles
- In 2019, online stores placed 11% more orders than in the same period in 2018
- The share of orders of Auto Parts Online Stores amounted to 3% of the eCommerce market
- Sector Conversion — 5,2%
- The share of mobile in traffic was 36%
For the year 2019, the number of orders in auto parts online stores grew by 11%, and the amount of online sales increased by 18% (to the year 2018). 84% of online orders is accounted for by auto parts online stores. The share of auto parts retailers and tyres and wheels online stores is 92% by the volume of online sales. The leader of the segment is Exist.ru (online sales of this retailer constitute 18% of all segment revenue). The share of Moscow and Moscow region in auto parts segment is lower than in any other segment. About 2/3 of all visits to auto parts online stores comes from desktop. 41% of retailers making eCommerce TOP1000 list) are presented at Yandex.Market.
Extended research version
You can also buy an extended version of the research «Auto Parts Online Market», which includes the following data:
- TOP10 by the number of orders
- TOP10 by revenue
- TOP10 by the number of visitors (with dynamics)
- Conversion to the TOP10
- Used technologies for TOP10 (CMS, e-mail, marketing services)
- Mobile traffic share in TOP10
- Mobile Apps Overview
- Share of promotion channels in TOP10 traffic
- Summary table with indicators for visitors, conversions, orders, average check and revenue for the TOP10
Full version size — 50 slides
Cost — 60 000 rubles, including VAT
The deadline for submission is 3 business days from the date of payment.
To buy the report
To learn more or order the full version, contact us in any way convenient for you: by phone: +7 (495) 540-59-06, by mail to coordinator@datainsight.ru or by filling out the form below